Mobile DevTools: Remote Debugging for Android with Screencast - Google Chrome 「爐火照天地,紅星亂紫煙」, 李白的《秋浦歌十七首》 是中國歷史上「打樹花」的最早記錄。 打樹花是河北蔚縣暖泉鎮特有的 傳統民俗慶典活動, 流傳至今已經有500多年。 打樹花是用熔化的鐵水, 潑灑到古城牆上, 迸濺形成萬朵火花。Featured article Mobile DevTools: Remote Debugging for Android with Screencast Until now, while remote debugging a mobile device, you had to shift your eyes back and forth between the device and your desktop machine. Now Screencast displays your ......