Issue 340138 - chromium - Chrome displays blank white page, but page contents appears upon resizing (sourse : boredpanda,下同) 人生中總有讓我們哭笑不得、但是又不由自主照做的事情,根據boredpanda分享,就有一位國外的藝術家Sanesparza,畫出了許多令人不得不認同的超中肯漫畫,點出大家每天日常生活中都會做的事情。 #1 如何做功課。 ▲總是要到半夜#15 steveha....@gmail.com I have had this issue with Chrome on the MATE edition of Linux Mint 16 (x64). I installed the MATE edition of Linux Mint 17 (x64) hoping it would fix it, but it happened again today with several web comics (such as "Schlock Merce...