chrome speed dial save

FVD Speed Dial - Simple access to your most visited sites. Organize Your Bookmarks!Why do I need Speed Dial? First of all, it's very convenient - your favorite sites are always within your immediate reach. Moreover, it saves you time - you don't have to leaf through countless bookmarks and you have everything needed right where you can ...


Speed Dial - Free download and software reviews - CNET 小心未知的去死團襲擊XDAnyone who's used Google Chrome for any period of time has likely encountered its "Most Visited" landing page, which displays thumbnails of your most visited Web pages for quick and easy access. Speed Dial is an extension for Firefox that mimics this feat...


How-To: Speed Up, Customize, and Secure Firefox, Chrome, IE8, and Opera - Maximum PC 好傳神啊~Optimize Opera 9 1. Disable Server Name Completion Opera 9 does a great job of trying to figure out what website you are trying to get to based on your browsing history. To speed up the browser and have it take less of a toll on your system, it is a good ...


6+ Visual Bookmarking Sites – Online Bookmarks a la Speed Dial | SingleFunction 水管書架You may also like: MyStickies MyStickies lets you save the web for later. To put [...] J.otDown J.otDown is a simple Internet-based notepad. The service is [...] Faviki Faviki is a tool that brings together social bookmarking and [...]...


Is there a Speed dial add-on for Internet Explorer 9? - Microsoft Community 請記住華盛頓在講實話時,手上正握著斧頭...Sorry Don, but again, it is not the same thing...not even similar. Have you ever seen Speed Dial for FF or Chrome? On one page I can create many dozens of easily visible customized (names/colors/position) folders and with one click open them to even more ...


WebPagetest - Website Performance and Optimization Test 達文西大概是被押著畫的吧XDRun a free website speed test from around the globe using real browsers at consumer connection speeds with detailed optimization recommendations. ... Chrome-specific advanced settings: Emulate Mobile Browser (Experimental, Chrome 39+) Nexus 5 user agent ....
