chromebook arm

Computex 2015 :強調設計彈性,聯發科展出基於平板晶片 MT8173 之 Chromebook 參考設計 | 癮科技哈哈...怎麼感覺都不好聽咧?? 雖然目前市場還未看到搭載 Mediatek 聯發科處理器的 Chromebook ,不過隨 Chrome OS 已經可透過 ARM 架構執行,其實要將聯發科處理器用於 Chromebook 不是大問......


ARM vs. Intel: What It Means for Windows, Chromebook, and Android Software Compatibility太天才了.. Intel x86 or x64 processors have traditionally been found in laptops and desktops, while ARM processors have been found in lower-power embedded devices, smartphones, and tablets. But you can now buy laptops with ARM chips and smartphones with Intel chips....
