chromebook pixel

Chromebook Pixel 深度評測:超高解析度螢幕加持,第三方系統安裝動手玩 | T客邦 - 我只推薦好東西哇~~~你想吃嗎!? 以瀏覽器應用為主軸的Chromebook在大多數人的印象裡都不是台效能掛帥的小筆電,因為搭載的Chromium OS作業系統只需要耗用蠅量級資源,配顆低功耗處理器就能跑得很順。感謝Google工程師的野心,新問世的Chromebook Pixel總算打破了這個規則,不但將 ......


Google Chromebook Pixel review - CNET - Product reviews and prices, software downloads, and tech new記者:您幸福嗎? Despite impressive hardware specs and solid industrial design, the Chromebook Pixel’s high price and cloud OS limitations make it impossible to recommend for the vast majority of users. ... The Good The slick-looking, Intel-powered Google Chromebook Pixel...
