New Balance推出全白M1400SWO ML999AW CM620WH系列鞋款 跟上極簡風格
Chuck Taylor All-Stars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia隨著夏天即將來臨,正是讓穿搭揮別暗沉色系的大好時機!不妨換上外型清爽的單品,來好好迎接夏天,近日New Balance推出全白系列,主打三大人氣鞋款,包含M1400SWO、ML999AW 及 CM620WH三項系列鞋款,跟上今年最夯的極簡Minimalism風格,男士們你看中的是哪一雙呢? 這回NeChuck Taylor All-Stars or Converse All Stars (also referred to as "Converses", "Chuck Taylors", "Chucks", "Cons", and "All Stars") is the brand name for a pair of athletic shoes produced by Nike, Inc. through its Converse division. Nike has owned the righ...