Northern Lights Cider Sky Nightcore - YouTube日本人常說:「肉體是很正直的。」雖也包括身體對普通事物的反應,但往往是指情慾的反應,亦即嘴巴會說謊,但人的下半身非常老實,不會說謊;這句話不僅在A片裡常登場,日常生活裡,許多男女也痛感這句話的真實,自己的肉體不會欺騙自己,當肉體未能如願而欲求不滿時,焦躁、不安高昇;性愛滿點的話,情愛相乘效果大發,心I work at an AMC still, but I'm now becoming a server, so wish me luck ^^ Requests Welcome :3 Hey for anyone out there that still even looks at my videos. Thank you. If you have problems, just remember to just escape into the music. I love you guys. Keep ...