Friendster Blog | Friendster Releases and Notes有三個小孩在比誰的爸爸比較快! 第一個小孩說:「我爸最快了!他可以在桌上的咖啡杯掉到地上前把杯子接住。」 第二個小孩說:「我爸爸才快呢!他去打獵,在五十公尺外射中一頭鹿。在鹿倒地前他可以衝上去扶住!」 第三個小孩說:「那算什麼?我阿爸是公務員,每天下午五點下班,他四點半Our Friendster Christmas Loot Promo has ended. A heartfelt thanks to everyone who joined, we were blown away by the response. Sadly we could only choose 10 winners. and we’re very happy to announce the winners of Razer Gear! Here they are: and ......