cisco pbr

Catalyst 6500 Release 15.0SY Software Configuration Guide - Policy Based Routing (PBR) [Cisco Cataly只要有心,想紅不難^.Note • For complete syntax and usage information for the commands used in this chapter, see these publications: • Cisco IOS Release 15.0SY supports only Ethernet interfaces....


Dual WAN for Inside Server by Static NAT and PBR. | WAN, Routing and Switching | Cisco Support Commu你是哪種人呢~??? Engage, collaborate, co-create, and share with your fellow experts on any Cisco technology or solutions in technical support forums in six different languages. Participate in live expert events and join the ongoing technical support forum in our communiti...


Cisco IOS XR Software BVI Routed Packet Denial of Service Vulnerability多麼希望現實是第一種.... Cisco ASR 9000 Series Routers with Typhoon-based line cards are affected by this vulnerability. To be affected by this vulnerability, the device must be configured to route traffic via the BVI and must also have any of the following features configured: u...


cisco - SNAT vs PBR for Server Load Balancing - Network Engineering Stack Exchange想要甚麼系統就直接切換,超方便~~!!! does PBR add any latency over doing SNAT assuming PBR is all done in hardware? Sup720 supports PBR in HW, the additional latency (if any) is negligible because PBR doesn't add more interface queueing. I think PBR would make things harder than they need .....
