Taipei Hotel: City Lake Hotel Taipei Budget Accommodation In Taipei不能嫁的男人送報生---因為他一到門口就丟!收水電---因為他二個月才要一次!男編輯---因為他一見面就要稿!牙醫師---因為他一見面就說:張開嘴巴!不能娶的女人女記者---她一見面總是不給稿!售票員---她總是說:別急,要排隊喔!女老師---她常常會不滿意,要你再一次!車掌小姐---她總是說再進去City Lake Hotel Taipei located on the Cheng Gong Road offers budget accommodation in Taipei city with easy access to Taipei`s main business, entertainment and shopping areas. ... 15th May 2013 - 30th Dec 2015 Extension Special Stay 3 night and the 4th nig...