溫習經典 VW Golf Mk7 GTI7代之「癢」
Differences between SA350 LF2, LF2 Cl.1 and LF2 Cl.2? - Boiler and Pressure Vessel engineering - Eng Golf GTI從Mk5開始成為國內熱門改裝車款,接著Mk6來到Mk7,GTI世代的改變不僅有外觀而已,第三代EA888引擎、全新底盤系統等皆有進化,駕駛感受是否真有不同?本期「OP研究所」帶各位了解! 尖銳線條更跑格 內裝非常"GTI" Golf Mk7 GTI不算新車了,2013Somebody would like teel me the differences between SA350 LF2, LF2 Cl.1 and LF2 Cl.2? (Flange materials) ... The difference between Class 1 and Class 2 in accordance with ASME SA 350 for LF2 is Charpy impact requirements for LF2 Cl.1 - the minimum ......