2014 Mercedes CLA 45 AMG Edition 1 | car review @ Top Speed 從小女孩到大女孩都擁有死忠粉絲的芭比,生來就是一個夢幻~不論是五官還有身材,都是女孩兒們心目中的夢幻比例,但是當芭比引以為傲的超現實好身材被打回現實時,是否會讓妳幻想破滅呢?藝術家Nicholay Lamm設計了一款"身材比例好誠實"版的芭比娃娃,是依照19歲美國女生的身材比例重新將芭比的身形調整You should know by now that Mercedes has recently started celebrating the launch of a new model on the market with the unveiling of a special "Edition 1" version of it. Next in line for this treatment is the new CLA 45 AMG , as Mercedes has just announced...