English Diary (翻攝自Dcard) 很多人遇到心儀對象時 會瞬間變木頭 什麼話都不敢講,什麼事都不敢做 別害羞!想要眼睜睜看對方跑掉嗎? 有網友貼心的整理出各方專業人士資訊 統整在這邊分享給大家囉~ 但,覺得15耍嘴皮沒辦法接受The Concert In NCNU There are a welcome party in my school, it is a tradition activity every year. I love 曹格 very much, he didn't let me down today, he was singing "背叛" when rain started falling from sky, he catching the rain and singing loudly, lastly, h...