clang ubuntu

llvm and clang installation on ubuntu - Ask Ubuntu 實在是太有創意!! 柚子和加菲貓的混合體= ="So I'm trying to install Halide on my Ubuntu 12.04 (64bit). I need llvm-3.2 and clang to be installed. Running sudo apt-get install llvm-3.2 ends up with 'package not found'. Trying ......


14.04 - clang and clang++ not found after installing the clang-3.5 package - Ask Ubuntu    馬麻!我只是想幫妳煮一碗熱呼呼的蛋花湯!After installing the clang-3.5 package, typing clang or clang++ on the command line gives me a message stating which packages those programs can be found in. Attempting to ... On Ubuntu 15.04 you can also install the clang package along the clang-x.x ......


LLVM Debian/Ubuntu nightly packages - The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure Project      每天早上眼睛睜開,我都不想出門上班!To retrieve the archive signature: wget -O -|sudo apt-key add - To install just clang and lldb (3.5 release): apt-get install clang-3.5 lldb-3.5 To install all packages: apt-get install clang-3.5 clang-3.5-doc lib...


LLVM Download Page - The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure Project書到用時方恨少的無奈~~If you'd like access to the "latest and greatest" in LLVM development, please see the instructions for accessing the LLVM SVN Repository. The major changes and improvements that SVN contains relative to the previous release are listed in the Release Notes...


OS X 10.10 vs. Ubuntu 14.10 vs. Fedora 21 vs. openSUSE Factory - Phoronix娶悍婦的悲慘下場                                         &Phoronix is the leading technology website for Linux hardware reviews, open-source news, Linux benchmarks, open-source benchmarks, and computer hardware tests. ... This week I posted some OS X 10.10 vs. Ubuntu 14.10 performance results that were quite ......


點滴記錄——Ubuntu 14.04中安裝Sublime Text 3並使用SublimeClang插件 - Cynric 的博客 - 博客頻道 - CSDN.NET現實中的西部牛仔在Ubuntu 14.04中使用帶有SublimeClang插件的Sublime Text 3編輯器將會給你編寫C/C++代碼飛一般的感覺…… ... 3. 安裝強大的SublimeClang插件 SublimeClang是Sublime Text中唯一的C/C++自動補全插件,功能強大,自帶語法檢查功能,不過最近作者已經停止 ......
