Clear app cache, cookies, temp files from iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch編按:這是新浪博客蔣豐的博客所發表的文章,探討的內容是「只為淫樂而出演的日本AV『慾女』」,由新浪網轉載,現在就來看看內容吧! 著名史學家司馬遷曾在《史記•貨殖列傳》中寫道:『天下熙熙皆為利來,天下攘攘皆為利往。夫千乘之王,萬家之侯,百室之君,尚猶患貧,而況匹夫。』面對物質的慾望,有人失去This article will guide you to clean up cookies, cache, temp files, etc. from your iOS device (eg. iPhone, iPad) without jailbreaking it. ... On iOS, junk files are cleaned up automatically when the device nears its storage limit. But sometimes, you may w...