How To Clear CMOS (Reset BIOS) [Easy, 10 to 15 Min] 示意圖 點讚一片,評論無數。 她老公在下面評論到:你奶奶的,我只不過陪女兒去畢業旅行,而你負責在家留守,照顧三歲兒子,要不要寫的這麼刺激啊……不裝你會死啊! ——在這個訊息氾濫的社會,有時你所聽到和看到的都不一定是真相! 活得糊塗的人Three ways to clear the CMOS memory on your motherboard. Clearing CMOS will reset your BIOS settings to their factory default levels. ... Recipient's Email This field is required. Separate multiple addresses with commas. Limited to 10 recipients. We will ...