cliff lee 維基

Cliff Lee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia強尼,說你愛我! 傑克,我~愛~你! Clifton Phifer "Cliff" Lee (born August 30, 1978) is an American professional baseball player. He is a starting pitcher for the Philadelphia Phillies. He stands 6 feet 3 inches (191 cm) and weighs 205 pounds (93 kg). He was born in Benton, Arkansas. Lee p...


Cliff Lee - 台灣棒球維基館你有夾娃娃夾過一隻......                                       &[編輯] 基本資料 出生日期:1978年08月30日 身高體重:191公分 93公斤 投打習慣:左投左打 守備位置:投手 擅長球路:四縫線快速球、二縫線快速球、切球、彈指曲球、圈指變速球 最快球速:96 mph (約154 km/h)...


Cliff Robertson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 我只要再吃一口霜淇淋就好!因為我已經吃過一客牛排,一盤炒飯,一塊雞排,一杯珍珠奶茶,我飽了!Clifford Parker "Cliff" Robertson III (September 9, 1923 – September 10, 2011) was an American actor with a film and television career that spanned half a century. Robertson portrayed a young John F. Kennedy in the 1963 film PT 109, and won the 1968 Acade...


Cliff Huxtable - The Cosby Show Wiki     我們都在不斷對抗溫暖的棉被!XDDr. Heathcliff Isaac "Cliff" Huxtable, lives in Brooklyn Heights, New York. He was born on May... ... Dr. Heathcliff Isaac "Cliff" Huxtable, lives in Brooklyn Heights, New York. He was born on May 12, 1937 in Pennsylvania Philadelphia, making him 47 years...


Cliff Burton - Wikiquote 看看爸爸們趁媽媽上街血拼時,怎麼帶小孩!Clifford Lee Burton (February 10, 1962 – September 27, 1986) was Metallica's second bassist after Ron McGovney. Sourced [edit] When a man lies, he murders some part of the world. These are the pale deaths which men miscall their lives. (Poet Paul Gerhardt...


Lee Harvey Oswald - Criminal Minds Wiki 看完有所警惕,放下你手上的零食和滑鼠,起來走動吧!Lee Harvey Oswald was the sniper who assassinated 35th U.S. President John F. Kennedy. He was... ... The Carcano rifle that Oswald would use to assassinate Kennedy. On April 10, 1963, the retired U.S. Army General Edwin Walker, a staunch anti-communist .....
