Cloak and Dagger - Official TF2 Wiki | Official Team Fortress Wiki 免費的紐西蘭最大漢堡 漢堡是紐西蘭人比較常吃的一種主食,也是大家比較喜愛的食物,方便,快速,有肉又有菜。 紐西蘭有一家餐館推出了一款 2 公斤的大漢堡,並且打出標語: 30 分鐘內吃完者,就可以免費! 於是很多人都前來嘗試了。 May 21, 2009 Patch (Sniper vs. Spy Update) The Cloak and Dagger was added to the game. June 23, 2009 Patch The Cloak and Dagger now always regenerates at its intended rate. Previously it only regenerated at the correct rate when the Spy was cloaked....