
Nanda Home 「嫁給我吧!」是很多穩定交往中的女生都很希望聽到的話,當然選擇求婚的場地也是十分重要的,如果選的不好還可能會被要求重來。文中的男朋友最後就選擇在日本的迪士尼樂園求婚!是不是聽起來超浪漫的?圍觀的眾人都給與他們祝福,在當時日本的twitter上還有一陣轉帖跟討論,但就在看起來十分甜蜜的背後其實隱藏了About Nanda Home When you look for a mate, you're probably searching for personality, intelligence, a sense of humor. Why should the objects we share our lives with be any different? That's where we come in. Nanda Home is a collection of charming and usef...

全文閱讀 - Clocky Aqua - The Runaway Alarm Clock - Alarm Clock Runaway妳發現妳不曾打算跟別人分享的照片被公開在網路上了,怎麼辦?在網路無遠弗屆的數位時代,隱私權受侵犯的現象日益嚴重,ELLE特別從心理、社會及法律層面,探討這個極為重要的議題。 PHOTOS:GETTY IMAGES  TEXT:VANESSA LAWRENCE  TRANSLATEClocky - The alarm clock that runs away and hides to get you out of bed! Clocky the alarm clock gives you one chance to get up. But if you snooze, Clocky will jump off your nightstand and wheel around your room looking for a place to hide, beeping all the...


Look at Clocky Go! - YouTube  TOYOTA/ LEXUS/ HINO總代理和泰汽車及國瑞汽車於3月2日發表2015年汽車市場展望。和泰汽車總經理蘇純興表示回顧2014年,台灣汽車市場從年初開始一直到7月的表現超乎預期,雖在年底九合一選舉前後遭遇了短暫亂流,所幸選舉結束車市氣勢如虹,全年登錄達到42.4萬台,較前年成Nanda's "Clocky" alarm clock: the clock that runs away to get you out of bed in the morning.


CLOCKY ALARM CLOCKS | Runaway Alarm Clock With Wheels | UncommonGoods 文賴震宇 / 圖片及資料來源Discovery頻道 / 設計徐信平 生活中要看到超跑在路上穿梭已經很困難,更不用說是完整地看遍生產過程。透過DMAX頻道節目《超跑工廠》的介紹,我們此次來到Aston Martin和Chrysler的工廠,近距離欣賞V12 Vantage S和Viper的生產過程,Unlike other clocks that you can easily hit the snooze button and fall back asleep, the Clocky Alarm Clock makes sure you get out of bed. ... A Wheely Effective Wake-Up Call Do you find yourself often saying the unaccountable phrase, "My alarm must not ha...

全文閱讀 - Clocky Alarm Clock on Wheels, Almond - 文賴震宇 / 攝影江承哲 / 協力廠商暉民汽車 對Dodge房車的印象除了美國老電影或《終點站(In Time)》中的老Challenger消光黑警車外,台灣人對這個品牌的印象實在模糊;因此親眼見到這部龐大的Charger SXT特別版,我們不禁納悶,如此笨重的體型上能夠帶給你怎樣的操控樂趣呢?直Never over-sleep again! Clocky is the alarm clock on wheels that runs away beeping! You can snooze one time, but if you don't get up, Clocky will jump off of your nightstand up to 3 feet high, and run around your room as if looking for a place to hide. Yo...


Lighting & Clocks | Home & Office | ThinkGeek 【楊智漢/報導】在去年共繳交出139241萬輛銷售成績的Toyota與Lexus,日前對外宣佈,2015年將以14萬輛(Toyota/12.6萬輛、Lexus/1.4萬輛)為年挑戰目標數,而除了現行所販售車款外,Toyota今年的重頭戲將包括在3月11日發表的小改款Camry,以及預計在4月初推出ThinkGeek creates unique products that stimulate the imagination. Shop for apparel, home and office, gadgets, collectibles, and more. Free shipping available! ... FREE SHIPPING ON ORDERS $75+ US ECONOMY ONLY • NO CODE • DOESN'T COMBINE WITH ......
