【JUKSY x Polysh】怎麼差這麼多?!世界各地麥當勞紙杯大比拼
close - definition of close by The Free Dictionary【JUKSY x Polysh,原文在此】當幾何時,我有想像過每每到了世界的另一個角落,也要去吃吃當地的麥當勞!不過,當然最後我沒有把這個想法實踐。因為我總覺得,就算是快餐 fast food,每個地方都有自己的特色,最後我還是選了更具地區風味的食物,而放棄大型連鎖店的分店。 不過,我也總覺得吃不同close (klōs) adj. clos·er, clos·est 1. Being near in space or time. See Usage Note at redundancy. 2. Being near in relationship: close relatives. 3. Bound by mutual interests, loyalties, or affections; intimate: close friends. 4. Having little or no space...