LoveLive!μ’s榮登66回紅白!更令人震驚的是…. μ’s解散消息!! Cloud b Twilight Constellation Night Light, Turtle: AMC: Baby原文出處:萌咩誌 編輯:喵妹 看到這個消息真的讓喵妹久久不能自我(拭淚) 又開心又感到有股淡淡哀傷…. 萌友們應該也有不少是動畫LoveLive!中μ’s的粉絲吧! μ’s在LoveLive!中是由一群為了守護自Twilight Turtle, the first plush constellation nightlight ever created, transforms any room into a starry night sky to help comfort children to sleep. From within his plastic shell, Twilight Turtle projects a magical constellation of stars onto bedroom ce...