CLUB 75 FOR ADIDAS ORIGINALS: STAN SMITH - Sneaker Freaker有的東西你再喜歡也不會屬於你的,有的東西你再留戀也註定要放棄的,愛是人生中一首永遠也唱不完的歌。人一生中也許會經歷許多種愛,但千萬別讓愛成為一種傷害。 生活中到處都存在著緣分,緣聚緣散好像都是命中註定的事情;有些緣分一開始就註定要失去,有些緣分是永遠都不會有好結果;可是我卻偏偏渴望創造一種奇跡。愛一Purveyors of French flare, Club 75, a collaborative collective made up of close friends Michael (La MJC), Pedro (Busy P) and So-Me, have once again lent their creative influence to dress the Stan Smith in an all new suiting for Adidas Originals. Striving ...