Nintendo Reveals The 2013 Club Nintendo Elite Rewards - Nintendo Life 傾訴人:蕭蕭然女29歲 我這個事情,其實一直不太想說,但是我心裡也直打鼓,我們的婚期定了,但是隨著日期的臨近,我越來越有點擔心,都說男人大度是一時頭腦發熱,早晚不那麼愛你了,就會找後賬。按說這事是我不對,我不該腳踩兩隻船,更不該做出那樣的事情。 在認識蕭寒之前,我有個關係曖昧的男友,是那種長得很高Every year Nintendo of America rewards its most loyal and active Club Nintendo members with Elite gifts, with members earning Gold or Platinum status. It seems to have taken longer for these rewards to be revealed this year, but the details are finally ou...