Amazon.com: CM Storm Stryker - Gaming Full Tower Computer Case with Carrying Handle and External 2.5 小華特別喜歡鸚鵡,有一天去溜鳥店,發現一隻鸚鵡賣三萬元 他很好奇,於是就問老闆:「你的鸚鵡怎麼這麼貴?」老闆:「我這隻鸚鵡很聰明!什麼都會說。」小華一聽這麼聰明就很新買下它,晚上回到家,他特別高興,就開始逗弄這隻鸚鵡小華:「我會走。」鸚鵡:「我會走。」小華:「我會跑。」 Built to be amongst the most agile full towers, Stryker includes an ultra-strong travel-ready carrying handle. CM Storm Stryker has a stylish glossy black and white finish on the case and included fans, windowed side panel, full dust filter coverage, a fa...