Search port to port Schedules - CMA CGM Group: a worldwide leading container shipping company各車齡時期的保養策略 ‧車齡:二年內 ‧保養重點:日常保養與正確駕駛習慣 車齡未滿二年的新車,車輛性能與各零件皆為最佳狀態,處於車況巔峰時期。在這段期間內,車主只需培養正確駕駛習慣與留意日常保養,基本上不會有問題發生。 ‧車齡:二~三年 ‧保養重點:檢查零件Get more out of our platform. Register now! With your own CMA CGM web account you get access to enhanced features, such as: Booking and shipping instructions creation Documents consultation & printing Draft modification & approval Direct access to several...