What is the Difference Between 8-Bit and 16-Bit even 32 bit in Photoshop? | ThemeForest Community Fo (source:Youtube) 每個人內心都會暗藏幾個不想告訴別人的小秘密,在這些小祕密之中又有幾個是屬於髒髒小祕密的範圍XD 雖然有些變態紳士喜歡和同好交流,但也有不少人不想把自己的性癖暴露給別人知道,只想自己暗自觀賞。日本網站gooランキング就票選了男生「最喜歡的部位」,想不到男生最喜歡的竟These shows the date transfer rate in various OS. I mean in 8 Bit, only 8 bits are transferred at a time. Similarly for the others too. ... This possible for Printing using CMYK ? Any different between 8 bit and 16 bit (when 32 bit not available for CMYK ...