Tell Me Why by Neil Young - guitar chords, guitar tabs and lyrics - chordie 汪星人和人類幼崽都是賣萌界的高手, 他們也是彼此最好的朋友…… 湊在一起,不僅能夠 相互陪伴,而且 萌度係數瞬間翻倍。 這個日本小女孩名叫Mame,現在才1歲多。 紅嘟嘟的小臉蛋,黑漆漆的大眼睛,看了忍不住想捏。 Mame家裡還Formatted version of Tell Me Why by Neil Young. Guitar chords and guitar tabs. Chordie is the largest collection of chords and tabs on the Internet, with more than 200.000 songs ......