cnh cny arbitrage

匪夷所思2: CNY與CNH - 賭仔自嘆 - 陸永 - 頭條日報 頭條網Blog City蜜蜂築巢....真是太會選地點了某天 某分隊接到一件為民服務捕蜂案件 消防人員到達現場 當場傻眼 哇塞! 大家的反應是.. A君:天下為公(女王蜂真是太會找對象了) B君:真是一代偉人....... C君:不要告訴我.. 你們最後是用火燒一代偉人..小弟兩年前首次上大陸開戶, 投資人仔及其理財產品, 回報不俗. 如此低風險下都有5%息(再加匯價升幅), 而且小弟貪佢流動性高, 經一經找換店/倫敦/新加坡就可以大額套現番港元, 隨時可趁機買平股/樓, 不失為一個好嘅"待熊"策略...


BIS Working Papers - Bank for International Settlements來~阿姑親一個(台語唸) BIS Working Papers No 492 Assessing the CNH-CNY pricing differential: role of fundamentals, contagion and policy by Michael Funke, Chang Shu, Xiaoqiang Cheng and Sercan Eraslan Monetary and Economic Department February 2015 JEL classification: F31 ......


CNH becoming de facto new currency in Hong Kong - Markets - News -超誇張的車禍   ....... !!! Offshore renminbi (CNH) will decouple from its onshore counterpart (CNY) while Beijing keeps a closed capital account, ING Group’s chief economist, Tim Condon, told an audience in Singapore this week, effectively creating a new currency in Hong Kong. Curr...


The Difference Between The Confusing Onshore And Offshore Renminbi Market頭髮剪成這樣(點圖看大圖喔)We frequently get questions about the difference between the onshore (CNY) and offshore (CNH) renminbi market. Remember, the offshore renminbi came about as China began trying to internationalize its currency. Here is the difference between the two. As Ch...


An Introduction To How China's Offshore Renminbi Market Works | Business Insider高鐵有什麼厲害..三角鐵才酷.....(點圖看大圖喔)The big news out of China right now is the fall in the value of the yuan. This week, yuan traded in offshore markets (CNH) staged its biggest drop against the U.S. dollar since September 2011. Over the same period, yuan traded domestically in China (CNY) ...


The Difference Between The Confusing Onshore And Offshore Renminbi Market | Business Insider各種造型可愛的熱汽球We frequently get questions about the difference between the onshore (CNY) and offshore (CNH) renminbi market.Remember, the offshore renminbi came about as China began trying to internationalize its currency. Here is the difference between the two. As Chi...
