CNN Exclusive: Castro brother says victims unrecognizable in photos - CNN.com 我已經暗戀她兩年了,可是始終沒有勇氣向她表白。 一天,在朋友的鼓勵下,我終於寫了一份封充滿愛意的情書。 可是,幾次見到她, 那雙緊握情書的手總是無法從口袋裡拿出來。 就這樣,浪費了好幾次機會,情書已經變得皺皺巴巴。 終於有一天,不知是哪兒來的勇氣,Story highlights In exclusive interview with CNN, the kidnapping suspect's two brothers speak out "I hope he rots in that jail," Onil Castro says of his brother, Ariel Onil's soul-wrenching sorrow: "This has torn my heart apart. ... I am a walking corpse....