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CNN - Official Site總經理出國考察,臨時打到公司交代事情,不巧接到電話的是小明在摸魚...小明回答:抱歉我在跟我女朋友講話,請你待會再打總經理問:你知道我是誰嗎?我是總經理!小明也回:那麼,你知道我是誰嗎?總經理:不知道小明:那就沒關係了...Find the latest breaking news and information on the top stories, weather, business, entertainment, politics, and more. For in-depth coverage, CNN provides special reports, video, audio, photo galleries, and interactive guides...


World News - International Headlines, Stories and Video - CNN.com某大公司的主管平日十分怕老婆,也很好奇是不是每一個男人都是如此...於是找一天集合公司內所有已婚男士站在他前面問道「現在,覺得自己平日怕太太的人站到我左邊,覺得自己平日不怕太太的人站到我右邊 。」語罷,只見一陣騷動,眾人皆往左邊站,只有一人站到右邊,還有兩人站在原地不動。他首先問第一個站在原地不動的CNN brings you International News stories, video and headlines from Europe, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and the Americas ... Maya Gurung is only 10, but she's savvy enough to realize her life will be scarred by disaster. Her left leg was crushed by a b...


CNN Political Ticker– All politics, all the time - Blogs周末,老公正在書房讀書,忽然兒子鵬鵬神秘兮兮地鉆了近來!兒子:老爸!你看我找到了什么!!這可是我本世紀最最偉大的發現!!!老公:嘿嘿,什么東東這么神秘?過來,讓老爸看看兒子(走到老公跟前,手里拿著一個本子):別急!你先答應請我吃一頓肯德基!老公:可以、可以,你先給我!兒子:說話算數?老公:我跟你拉鉤The CNN Political Ticker is the hottest destination for the latest political news with dispatches, behind-the-scenes reports, and expert commentary, 24-7. For the latest political news from CNN's Best Political Team, with campaign coverage, 24-7....


CNN-IBN - Official Site過年的時候,小孩子總是愛玩沖天炮、鞭炮......小時候媽媽就教我們....放鞭炮時~~先點"香"因為香有長度....才不會被點燃的鞭炮炸到話說當年某日弟弟還是國小生~~興高采烈的點燃了香放在左手又興沖沖地(也匆匆)拿了一把沖天炮準備到頂樓和我們會合放鞭炮 當時身材嬌小的他...進了電梯由於身高不夠Read breaking news, latest news from India & World including current news headlines on politics, cricket, business, entertainment and more only on ... Aishwarya Rai, Kangana Ranaut, Sonam Kapoor: Meet this week's best dressed divas Weekly ......


CNNMoney - Official Site從日本人朋友口中剛剛聽到的真實發生事情,直接翻成中文讓大家笑一下。前情提要:日本的銀行業都非常的有禮貌,在你抽完號碼牌後叫到你時,在辦手續期間會先請你先到沙發稍做等候。等到行員準備好後,會再叫你去拿。就在11月2日星期五的近中午時刻,有男子持菜刀到福岡銀行赤間支店搶劫。當他拿著刀子靠近櫃台時,女行員The world's largest business website, CNNMoney is CNN's exclusive business site with business, markets, technology, media, luxury, personal finance and small business news. ... Most stock quote data provided by BATS. Market indices are shown in real time ...

全文閱讀 Live朋友在服飾店上班剛跟鄰店一起訂便當結果便當送來了她打開整個傻眼  International delivers breaking news from across the globe and information on the latest top stories, business, sports and entertainment headlines....
