CNN.com - Podcasting - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video New 日本男子割睾丸陰莖給顧客食用被女食客一掃而光.... 日本東京,日本22歲的插畫家Mao Sugiyama自稱“無性人”,他在兩個月前做了一個生殖器的外科移除手術,然後將拿掉的部分放入雙層塑料袋中進行冷凍。Sugiyama隨後在網上發布消息稱,他願意將自己的生殖器出賣,提供CNN Podcasting is a way to receive audio and video files over the Internet. These feeds deliver audio and video broadcasts to your desktop. You can listen to these files on your computer or load them on to your MP3 player and take them with you....