CNN.com - Podcasting - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video New喜歡到無可自拔非得說出口的地步?還是感覺到你們之間似乎「友達以上,戀人未滿」?那就來學學如何告白吧! ❤告白技巧之--挑個特殊的日子 僅僅是聖誕節阿,情人節阿這種日子是不夠的,最好是對你們兩個來說有紀念意義的地方,這樣子告白成功率會大大提升。比如說,第一次遇見的地方阿第一次約會的地方阿生日等等。 ❤CNN Podcasting is a way to receive audio and video files over the Internet. These feeds deliver audio and video broadcasts to your desktop. You can listen to these files on your computer or load them on to your MP3 player and take them with you....