Insider Guide: Best of Taipei | CNN Travel 一、不會許你一個婚姻 一般他們不會輕易談到婚姻,但當然他擁抱你的時候,可能會衝動地說要娶你,但千萬別認真,由於誓言隨時隨風飄往。 二、不願在妳身上花錢 即使他很有錢,同時交往多位女性也會讓他吃不消,而這種自私玩樂的男人更沒有奉獻的精神,會處處跟你計較金錢,A flourishing metropolis, Taipei sits in a basin surrounded by mountains gushing with hot springs, but it's the urban attractions that garner the most attention in this capital city with about 7 million residents in the metro area. The mighty Taipei 101 (...