cnn taiwan typhoon

Taiwan plane crash kills 48 and injures 10 - 也太誇張,好嚇人得鎖法Taiwan plane crash – Rescue workers and firefighters search through the wreckage of TransAsia Airways flight GE222 on Thursday, July 24, after it crashed near the airport at Magong on the Penghu island chain a day before. The domestic TransAsia Airways fl...


CNN推薦必吃台灣美食,台灣人民你同意嗎? - 7Headlines yaya,出去玩喔~~CNN到底有沒有公信力?在一般大眾的眼裡,只要提到CNN,大家好像就會覺得很厲害,而且不疑有他的相信,上個月的泰利颱風,針對台灣的報導,中央大學大氣科學系兼任副教授吳德榮批評,「CNN懂個屁!他們根本不知道上個星期台灣發生什麼事。」 說 ......


Taiwan plane crash claims 48 lives, report says - 我沒有看錯吧,也太顯眼了吧Before Flight GE222 took off from Kaohsiung, Taiwan, it had been delayed because of conditions related to a typhoon, the airline said. The plane was a 72-seat twin-engine turboprop ATR 72. "TransAsia Airways is exhausting all means to assist passengers, v...


Video of Taiwan crash site - CNN iReport - CNN iReport - Share your story, discuss the issues with C  CNN PRODUCER NOTE nealmoore was photographing at the site of the Taiwan plane crash Wednesday evening. "The crash site is in the densely populated Nangang District of Taipei City, with high rises directly across from the overpass adjacent to the river and...


莫拉克風災 - 维基百科答案是: 八八水災[1],又稱莫拉克風災、八八風災,是2009年8月6日至8月10日間發生於台灣中南部及東南部的一起嚴重水災,起因為颱風莫拉克侵襲台灣所帶來創紀錄的雨勢(許多地方2日的降雨量,相當於1整年份的量)。是台灣自1959年八七水災以來最嚴重的水患 ......
