Coding4Fun | Channel 9 話說很多孩子小時候可能都收到過芭比娃娃作為禮物, 這些女孩子們的玩偶基本都設計得蜂腰大胸大長腿,但真實的人類,要達到這樣完美的身體比例和樣貌,幾乎是不可能的... 但是,總是有人不信邪, 之前我們就曾經報道過一個烏克蘭妹子為了讓自己的外形無限Getting started with Cinder for Windows Store Apps Rick Barraza will present a high level overview of the state of creative coding on Windows Store apps and then walk through setting up and working with the Cinder library in Visual Studio for creating ama...