Discovering Korea Travel and Culture BlogSeoul Pet Cafes in Hongdae給媽打電話 寢室剛裝上電話沒幾天,室友們就商議給對面的女生打電話,並決定由小王出馬。小王提起話筒,撥通了對面的電話:「喂,找哪位?」聲音是多麼的甜美,八成是靚妹,「我是,我。。。」正當小王回答時,一束耀眼的白光向我們照過來,原來是寢室管理員劉先生。「這麼晚了,還在做什麼?」小王慌張地邊放下話筒邊朝劉Seoul Pet Cafes in Hongdae have become a popular destination for animal lovers who may not have the space to have a furry friend of their own. ... This chap placed an interesting blog post on Video: Seoul Pet Cafs Discovering KoreaHere’s a brief overviewc...