Bit Depth - Cambridge in Colour - Photography Tutorials & Learning Communi魔術師的手提箱 某日,一個落魄的魔術師搭火車,因為沒有座位,於是對一位小孩說: 「小朋友,叔叔變魔術給你看,你讓位給叔叔好嗎?」,小孩說好。 魔術師便把他的手提箱往窗外丟,然後又變回來。 小孩很高興便把位子讓給他;魔術師坐下後便開始打瞌睡。 過了不久BIT DEPTH TUTORIAL Bit depth quantifies how many unique colors are available in an image's color palette in terms of the number of 0's and 1's, or "bits," which are used to specify each color. This does not mean that the image necessarily uses all of thes...