Social & Mobile, Inc.: ColorNote BackUp & Sync : How to transfer notes from old phone to new phone. 推特網友“chyaraizumi” 表示, 有約會的日子,他的早上是這樣度過的: 1.洗個熱水澡; 2.梳好睡炸起來的頭毛兒; 3. 化妝,打理好髮型; 4.帶上美瞳,帥帥地出門啦! 太可怕了吧..... 突然覺得不僅女生要潑卸妝水,男生也需要惹"We will support PC client later." Seems a lot like bullshitting users when you read in ColorNote "Online synchronisation : Google *account id* - "Sync notes : 20" It's called a lie by omission. You don't tell in ColorNote that it is impossible to see the...