combed - definition of combed by The Free Dictionary ▲妻子偷裝攝影機,第一個畫面就讓她震驚了!(source:linjiamm,下同) 如果妳是老婆,你會認為在生完小孩多久就可以做「親密的事」呢?根據廣大婦女的經驗分享,其實過一個禮拜就可以了! 然而,根據linjiamm報導,有一名女子和老公結婚三年,終於在去年十月懷上寶寶,今年七月Still, I had other prospects washed and combed into my childish head when it was washed and combed for me, and I took them to a public school when I washed and combed it for myself, and I am here without them, and thus I am a disappointed man....