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She's Come Undone (Oprah's Book Club): Wally Lamb: 9780671021009: Books 位在英國中部鄉間的Cotswold是Cath Kidston的家鄉,也是2015年春夏新款的創作靈感來源,2015 Cath Kidston 春夏新款帶來令人愉悅的樂觀情緒,大膽的新色彩、經典的牛仔丹寧款式、荷葉邊裝飾,靈感全都萃取自現代英國鄉村生活的精華。 涼爽的白雲襯托出春天清新蔚藍的天空,打Oprah Book Club® Selection, January 1997 : "Mine is a story of craving; an unreliable account of lusts and troubles that began, somehow, in 1956 on the day our free television was delivered." So begins the story of Dolores Price, the unconventional heroin...


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