Things Come Apart: A Teardown Manual for Modern Living: Todd McLellan: 9780500516768: Amazon.com: Bo 還不認識她嗎?!華裔女部落客 EUGÉNIE GREY,身兼女模、部落客等不同角色,遊走於洛杉磯以及紐約兩大城市之中,instagram 已經累積全球 221,000 粉絲追蹤,前衛的造型、刺青讓她性感指數破表,穿搭方面也是許多女性們視為偶像的參考對象之一,透過這段影片,E“A new book full of gorgeous and meticulously organized photographs of old school and modern tech broken down and laid bare.” (The Huffington Post) “The photos are enjoyable as pure eye candy, but they also illustrate the history of modern manufacturing.”...