Teenager's mysterious death evokes painful imagery in North Carolina: 'It's in the DNA of America' |2018值得期待的春季日劇,則力推BL神劇《大叔的愛》,朝日電視台於2016年推出單集電視劇《大叔的愛》,跳脫小鮮肉套路,大叔之間的BL真情引起熱烈迴響,在過去一向給人硬漢形象的吉田鋼太郎,劇中飾演戀上屬下的大叔部長,充滿了少女心的追求舉動充滿了反差萌,也引爆網友話題,始料未及的吉田鋼太郎也苦笑說:They also want to know why it is it taking so long for the autopsy report to come through, with still no date set for its public release five weeks after the event. So far only the toxicology report has come back, showing that Lacy had no drugs, alcohol o...