Pink Floyd - Comfortably Numb lyrics | LyricsMode.com 美國天合汽車集團制造的一輛實物大小的透明汽車亮相法蘭克福車展,展示新一代汽車安全技術。模特“駕駛”透明車,演示如何進行半自動駕駛以及其他能夠保護駕駛者和乘客安全的新革新技術。 天合汽車集團認為未來10年未來汽車將采用更為智能的安全系統,能夠預測公路狀況。車展上,他們展示了安5 explanations, 4 meanings to Comfortably Numb lyrics by Pink Floyd: Hello? / Is there anybody in there? / Just nod if you can hear me. ... This song is a drug song and it is about Sid, the leader of Pink Floyd, when he did drugs and when he was very craz...