Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources - Covering Comic Book News and EntertainmentRobot 6 @ Comic Book Reso我是一名即將邁向社會的大學生,幾年的大學生活造就了我這樣一個德、智、體、美、勞全面發展的複合型全才,在臨近畢業之際,特將幾年的學習成績向關心和愛護我的人們匯報如下:我學會了做飯:泡方便麵的技術在313寢室湛稱一流。我學會了使用電腦:能熟練地開關機,特別擅長玩網絡遊戲,在整個學院裡鮮有對手。我學會了多Although Southern Cross, the sci-fi horror series from Becky Cloonan, Andy Belanger and Lee Loughridge, doesn’t debut from Image Comics until March, its production blog has already proved itself a must-read. Or a must-view, in any case. The series follows...