妹妹晚上想包餃子吃 沒想到在皮上發現了要命的東西!
Xin Rong - Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel Wiki今天妹妹興致勃勃想要包餃子當作晚飯,老媽還誇她難得這麼勤快~於是她這個平時都不做菜的小公主,在那邊做了很久的麵皮(偷偷告訴你們:她要用那個最新式的包餃子模具來偷懶!)相信我這一步是很考驗功夫的! 可是...只是離開了一會兒,回來就看到這副景象.................... 據上傳Xin Rong was a Slayer active in China before and during the Boxer Rebellion. Xin Rong was active... ... Become a vampire, there's nothing to fear. Nothing but one girl. That's you, honey. Back then... It was her." ―Spike [src] Xin Rong was a Slayer active...