Commercial Proposals | Free Proposal Templates男人在沒有女人之前,什麽東西整理的妥妥當當;男人有了女人之後,把什麽東西都搞得亂七八糟,不是因爲男人變懶了,而是因爲男人喜歡一邊看著女人替他收拾東西一邊嘮叨自己的邋遢,男人覺得這是一種幸福;男人在沒有女人之前,生病了能捱則捱,實在不行了才去看醫生;男人有了女人之後,生了丁點的小病都要告訴女人,不是男Writing a proposal cover letter is the first attempt for introducing your offer to the reader so it must be given due importance while drafting. Proposal cover letter goes on the top of the proposal like executive summary but it is not same as executive s...