國內最大室內車聚Stance Garage Taiwan 2 2 Toyota篇
Compact car - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia身為國內銷售量最好的汽車品牌-Toyota,過去一直都是冷門改裝車,不過這樣的情況最近幾年有了大幅度的改變,當天出現不少部改得好看的Toyota/Lexus車系,且老車、新車、房車、休旅車都有。 這部Supra包含動力、變速系統、底盤與車體等,車主是以直線加速賽的規格進行改造,目前還尚未達到最完美的A compact car (North America), or small family car in British acceptation, is a classification of cars that are larger than a subcompact car but smaller than a mid-size car, equating roughly to the C-segment in Europe.[1] Current compact car size, as defi...