鐵達尼號結局的各國版本 還是日劇最經典最值得觀賞
Computer Organization and Design, Fifth Edition: The Hardware/Software Interface (The Morgan Kaufman 網上關於鐵達尼號的結局炒的很火,貌似有很多版本,分享下來自網友的結局。 如果鐵達尼號最後沒有撞冰山,那麼結局會是怎樣?Rose 是否會與Jack廝守終老。抑或如某位豆友所說;」本該是壹次轉頭就忘的約炮,卻因壹次海難成為壹生的懷念!」 也許還有其他的結局: 若是在港片,結局會是這樣:Rose本想選擇David A. Patterson has been teaching computer architecture at the University of California, Berkeley, since joining the faculty in 1977, where he holds the Pardee Chair of Computer Science. His teaching has been honored by the Distinguished Teaching Award...