Computer Organization and Design, Fourth Edition: The Hardware/Software Interface (The Morgan Kaufma上帝失手四十出頭的莉莉心臟病突發,被送往醫院急救。 病情十分糟糕,莉莉感覺自己幾乎都已經死了。 搶救中,莉莉突然聽見了上帝的聲音: 不,妳不會死的,妳還可以活45 年6個月,鼓起勇氣活下去! 當然,結果是莉莉奇蹟般地被救活了。 身體復原後,莉莉想到自Patterson and Hennessy have greatly improved what was already the gold standard of textbooks. In the rapidly-evolving field of computer architecture, they have woven an impressive number of recent case studies and contemporary issues into a framework of t...