
AVC Heatsinks at Computex 2008: A View To A Cooler - 2005年10月的一天,3個月大的馬修被爸媽帶著在香港坐地鐵,BB對著爸媽大show吐舌頭、扮鬼臉,把乘坐同一列地鐵的名導陳木勝惹得哈哈大笑。陳木勝主動前來邀請,稱自己正在拍電影,邀請BB去試鏡。沒想到,連續3次試鏡,BB不哭不鬧,還不停在鏡頭前扮鬼臉,最終在1000多名試鏡BB中脫穎而出,陳導由AVC Heatsinks at Computex 2008: A View To A Cooler - ... Abstract: Frostytech stopped by the AVC booth at Computex Taipei this past week to see what's new from this massive thermal solutions company, and to find out how its LGA1366 ......


Infotek News:   著名美魔女水穀雅子素顏照終於曝光!! 但卻引發更大爭議!!因其素顏竟更加年輕~~~   從21歲開始的變化!!老了更美啊~~完全逆生長~~   相關報導: 太驚人!!!「不老女神」!44歲的女人臉蛋竟然還美得像20歲~~~!!保養秘訣大公開!!   &nFuturistic elevated transport system to be built in Israel California-based skyTran has teamed up with Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) to construct the world's first public pilot project for skyTran's elevated transit network. 'Geeks on a Beach' heads t...


SUNIX - Home 日前陪伴我們 15 個年頭的火影忍者告一段落完結了,許多讀者難免覺得可惜,希望能有更多發展可能。但其實許多動漫作品也會被改編拍成真人版電影或是電視劇,每當要宣布真人化的同時,雖然總是有許多哀嚎聲,甚至偶爾還會有些粉絲會說,希望由哪位演員來演出等。現在,一位烏克蘭繪師 Olga GrigoryevaSUNIX focuses on Commercial Automation & Control Business, and also on Electric Consumer Peripherals. SUNIX offers high performance and high quality RS-232/422/485 Multi-port Serial I/O, Multi-port Parallel I/O, Video Hubs, and Video Dongles....


Phanteks PH-TC14PE - Nine Big Air Coolers For Intel's Haswell CPUs, Reviewed 示意圖 (via buzzhand)   在單位,我可能是最令大家羨慕的男士了:大學畢業後順利考取公務員,最後進入航空公司辦事處,剛剛三十出頭就晉升為辦公室主任。達到婚齡時,又適時識了剛從空姐崗位退下來被外資公司高薪聘請為人力資源部經理的妻子。結婚後,在單位的利補貼下,在東三環南段的潘家The PH-TC14PE returns in red trim for our LGA 1150 cooling comparison, giving us a chance to see how a huge cooler that nearly topped our LGA 2011 charts copes with a tiny-but-hot overclocked Haswell die. Oxidation-resistant electroplating in th......
