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Consider It Fixed 在進行拖曳衝浪時,衝浪者借助拖船追逐巨大的海浪,挑戰不可思議的“水牆”。這是一項令人腎上腺素激增的極限運動,稍不留心便會掉下衝浪板。麥克納馬拉是美國的一名衝浪高手,現年45歲,曾打破衝浪時挑戰海浪最大的世界紀錄。這一驚人表現讓他在衝浪界名聲大噪。拖曳衝浪上世紀90年代中期後Consider It Fixed provides guidance, troubleshooting, and advice to computer and technology users with 3 main areas of expertise. Consider If Fixed provides onsite and remote setup, repair and technical support. Consider It Fixed provides smartphone and t...


Strong's Hebrew: 7200. רָאָה (raah) -- to see 這位魔術師出生在英國布拉福德,現年30歲,外號“Dynamo”(音譯為戴納魔),擅長近景魔術和街頭魔術。這一次在倫敦進行的表演讓弗雷納的魔術水准更讓一層樓。表演中,他將一只手搭在一輛15英尺(約合4.6米)高的雙層巴士車頂,整個身體懸浮在巴士一側。弗雷納的懸空術表演是對地心Word Origin a prim. root Definition to see NASB Translation access (1), advisers* (2), appear (21), appeared (43), appears (4), approve (2), became aware (1), became visible (1), become visible (1), behold (9), choice (1), consider (13), considered (1), d...


Thirty-One Today 在馬達加斯加,狐猴過慣了沒有天敵的生活,它們因此也對人類毫無懼怕。相反,狐猴還常常跑過來跟人打招呼,或者盯著鏡頭,似乎對拍照非常著迷。狐猴的鼻子又短又尖,尾巴很長,上面的環狀的花紋。這些超級搞笑的圖片是著名野生動物攝影師西蒙・斯巴拉利亞(Simone Sbaraglia)的作品,他花了一整天時間,Log in to your account. Username: Your Consultant ID number Password: Consultants who have enrolled prior to 7/29/11 please refer to the 7/28/11 email with subj...


10 Things to Consider Before You Move to a Foreign Country and Become an Expatriate | Norm Schriever 2010年,一只年輕的粉色河馬在肯尼亞自然保護區內的馬拉河岸邊被發現了。這只樣子古怪的動物經歷了一種“白化基因”的影響,這種病症的特點是皮膚組織產生的色素要低於正常水平。盡管患有白化病的動物其它方面都和正常的同類無異,但是它們卻面臨著更大的生存挑戰。羅馬尼亞境內的喀爾巴阡山Every year 6.6 million U.S. citizens call another country home. They do so for a variety of reasons -- work assignments, warmer climates and better medical care, and a cheaper cost of living. But whatever the reason for buying a one-way ticket to being an...


Things to consider when purchasing a fence | Lehigh Valley Fenco Co. - Residential & Commercial Fenc 美國波特蘭的RYNO汽車公司專門為通勤者研制了一款電動代步車。這種電動代步車名為“RYNO”,采用獨輪設計,車身小巧並具有自平衡功能,可幫助通勤者應對擁堵的交通和避免昂貴的停車費。RYNO的速度可達到約每小時40公裡,一次充電可行駛約80公裡。 RYNO與賽格威電動代步車類Getting an estimate: Lehigh Valley Fence Co has been serving the Lehigh Valley and Pocono area since 1979…I’d like to say we’ve seen it all but every yard is...


Strong's Hebrew: 7760. שׂוּם (sum or sim) -- to put, place, set 這個具有未來派風格的繭形樹屋夾在英國多塞特郡伯敏斯特市附近胡克公園的樹間,這些設計專業學生用麻繩把它懸掛在距森林地面兩米高的位置上。幾天前,他們在胡克公園350英畝的森林中伐倒一棵柏樹,將5米長的柏木用機器加工切削成木板,最後搭建了這個環保樹屋。這個來自倫敦建築協會學院的設計三人組在這片森林裡為他Word Origin a prim. root Definition to put, place, set NASB Translation appoint (9), appointed (9), assign (1), assigned (2), attached (1), bestowed (1), bring (1), brought (1), care* (2), changes (2), charge* (1), charged (1), charges (2), consider (4), ...
